Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Darwin's Nightmare

Darwin's Nightmare 2004 - Hubert Sauper

The story of how the introduction of a simple fish to Lake Victoria decimated the biodiversity, industry, and society of a region.

The 'nile perch' was introduced to the lake in the late 60's as a way for the locals to feed themselves and bring in money to the region through exporting the surplus. Unfortunately, no one perceived how well this fish would thrive in this new environment and what change this would bring to those so dependent on Lake Victoria for their livlihood.
I think this quote from the director is really telling of true status of developing regions around the world:
"I could make the same kind of movie in Sierra Leone, only the fish would be diamonds, in Honduras, bananas, and in Libya, Nigeria or Angola, crude oil."

Makes you really think about the fish you stick in your mouth!


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